Sunday, May 17, 2009

Racking my brain

I'm having a hard time remembering what happened this week. Here, I think we're making a custard called Creme Anglaise. All custards look the same at this stage.

This is creme brulee, a baked custard. The crust on top is sugar caramelized by FIRE!

And Oefs a la Neige. It's boiled meringue balls floating in the Creme Anglaise I made earlier.

Here's where my memory is really fuzzy. I know that the green stuff is apple... MOUSSE! I remember now. It's green apple mousse, which is really light and fluffy. I thought mousse was a pudding. Then I had to go back to my notes. The white creams are Diplomat and Chiboust, which are pastry creams with whipped cream or meringue folded in them. I thought that chiboust had a richer flavor and texture because it has meringue folded into the pastry cream.


  1. Everything here looks soooooooooooo good! I think I'm going to start going to class with you. I'll be the official test-taster. Okay?

  2. How about taste-tester. I bet tests don't taste good... except maybe your tests. I don't know, I'm tired and my brain hurts. I think I need some creme brulee. THEN I'll think better.

  3. That's what you need after a 5k walk for cystic fibrosis. Creme brulee. Yum!
